When talk about the types of stays in Montenegro, there is a several options:
First option is that you can stay in Montenegro for up to 90 days on the basis of a short-stay visa (visa C) or without a visa, in accordance with the regulations on the visa regime of Montenegro. You can stay for a maximum of 90 days in 180-day period, counting from the day of first entry, unless otherwise is provided by law or international agreement.
Second option is temporary residence for if you plan to stay in Montenegro for more than 90 days. You can use this option for:
- schooling;
- participation in international student exchange programs or other youth programs;
- specialization, professional training or practical training of foreigners;
- scientific research work;
- humanitarian reasons;
- use and disposition of the right to real estate he owns in Montenegro;
- performing religious service;
- work;
- performing volunteer work within the European Voluntary Service;
- in other cases in accordance with the law and the international agreement;
In the cases mentioned above, except for the reason given under point 8, a temporary residence permit is issued. It is important to note that you can stay in Montenegro in accordance with the purpose for which temporary residence is granted.
For the reason of staying given under point 8 – working in Montenegro, you would need a residence and work permit.
If you have decided to work in Montenegro and if you meet the legally prescribed conditions, you can get a residence and work permit in Montenegro.
This type of permit is issued for:
- employment
- seasonal employment
- the work of the seconded worker (a foreigner who performs work in Montenegro for a limited period of time, which is not the country in which he usually works).
Also, this type of permit applies to:
- provision of contracted services;
- movement of persons within a foreign company.
Some of the conditions that you must meet in order to obtain a residence and work permit are: proof of provided accommodation, proof of health insurance, photocopy of a valid travel document, proof that you have not been convicted in the country you come from, etc.
In case you manage to find a job in Montenegro, a part of the necessary documentation is provided by the employer, such as a job offer, a statement on the amount of income, etc. You are obligated to bring some of the documentation from the country you come from, as well.
These types of permits are issued for a period of 1 year, with the possibility of extension, up to a maximum of 2 years.
Montenegrin law prescribes that the temporary residence and work permit for entrepreneurs and executive directors in companies in which they are the sole owners can be extended an unlimited number of times, as long as they meet the conditions provided by law. Another thing is that, if they have a residence and work permit in continuity 5 years, after the fifth year, they gain a right to apply for permanent residence in Montenegro.
This is one of the benefits of opening a company in Montenegro.
The third option is that you can obtain a permanent residence permit if you have been legally residing in Montenegro for a continuous period of five years until the day of applying for the permit.
Conditions for obtaining permanent residence are:
1) a valid foreign travel document;
2) permanent, regular and sufficient means of subsistence;
3) health insurance;
4) provided accommodation;
5) knowledge of the Montenegrin language to the extent that enables basic communication.
The test of knowledge of the Montenegrin language is performed by a higher education institution that implements the study program Montenegrin language and literature.
Appling for a permanent residence permit is in person, and at the time of applying for a permanent residence permit, you must have been granted a temporary residence permit.
Permanent residence in Montenegro is granted for an indefinite period of time, and a permanent residence permit is issued with a validity period of five years, with the obligation to extend. When it comes to extending a valid permit, you are required to apply within eight days of the permit expiration date.
By obtaining permanent residence in Montenegro, you will have a status that gives you almost all the same rights that a citizen of Montenegro has.