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Why Montenegro

About Montenegro

Since the independence in 2006, Montenegro has made a long way in social and economic development, became economically most developed country of the Western Balkans and proven to be a safe and economically viable country with potential for fast growth.

Its security and prosperity have facilitated with EU and NATO integration.

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Why Invest in Montenegro?

Some of the main reasons for invest in Montenegro are Economically stable environment incorporated in Democratic and multicultural society. Montenegro is also active participant in regional cooperation.

Montenegro is a NATO member since 2017 this way providing additional security for the more thoughtful investors. 

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Tax System

Evropa Sad (Europe Now) is a new reformational program in Montenegro, started as of January 1st, 2022.

For the implementation, on December 29th, 2021, Montenegrin Assembly passed a series of laws that are part of the Europe Now initiative: The changes were passed in Labor Law, Law on Personal Income Tax, Law on Corporate Income Tax, Law on Value Added Tax, Law on Tax Administration, Law on Mandatory Social Security Contributions. 

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Economic cooperation agreements

Economic cooperation agreements aim primarily to establish an institutional form of cooperation through the strengthening and promotion of economic interests.

These agreements identify the areas of mutual interest, with particular emphasis on agriculture, water management, energy, research and development, construction and infrastructure, transport and logistics, environmental protection, tourism, investment promotion,  ICT and services.

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Business Zones

Business Zones are unique entities at the territories of the respective local governments. They are partly or fully connected to the utilities.

Potential investors of the Business Zones will have tax and administrative reliefs both at the national and local level.

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