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Professional Training Program in Montenegro


The Government of Montenegro has been implementing a very interesting program for several years now, which concerns young people who have just graduated from college and are looking for work experience. It is a program of professional training.



With this program, newly graduated are getting a chance to gain their first work experience in companies throughout Montenegro. On the other hand, employers who are willing to participate in this program as a second party are getting a chance for bringing young people eager for knowledge and training to their team.

The program is interesting because the Government of Montenegro in this way encourages employers to give a chance to young people who have just graduated from college in order to acquire knowledge, and they thus get a chance to work in a quality environment and  gain the necessary knowledge for further work.



The program is conducted every year and lasts 9 months. The costs of the complete program are regulate by the Government of Montenegro, because in this way it wants to encourage the training of young people in Montenegro.

The advantage of this program is that every company registered in Montenegro has the right to participate in it, with the possibility for program participants to continue working for a company after completion of the program.

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