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Top 5 FDI in Montenegro 🎯

No 1 Russia. For the first five months of 2023., Russians invested 52.5 mil €, with 55% invested in real estate. Company loans follow with 13.2 mil €, and banks and companies with 12.3 mil €, according to Central Bank of Montenegro. They also have the smallest capital withdraw, comparing to other countries, around 11 mil €.

Not falling far behind, 2nd place goes to Serbia. Serbia invested 48 mil € in total, from which 26.1 mil € went on property investment, 10.5 mil € in company loans and 8.2 mil € on company and bank investments.

In a way a surprise is Switzerland. With a 39 mil € investment, they hold 3rd place on our list. They invested mostly in loans to their companies 27.2 mil €, following direct investments in companies and banks 6.6 mil € and buying real estate 5.1 mil euros.

Turkey. Year by year raising in number and value of investments Turkey holds 4th place with 32.1 mil € in total. More than 67% they invested in real estate – 21.6 mil €, following company loans 9 mil € and company and bank investments 815.000 €.

With 28.3 mil € in total, Germany is on 5th place investing mostly in real estate 18.5 mil €, following company and bank investments 5.6 mil € and 4 mil € company loans.

FDI in Montenegro is increasing over time. After gained back its independence Montenegro’s FDI raised sky high and later stabilized, constantly showing its attractiveness and potential.

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