The process of establishing non-governmental organizations in Montenegro is not difficult if you follow the instructions.
According to Montenegrin Law on Non-Governmental Organizations there are two types of non-governmental organizations that can be founded in Montenegro:
- Non-governmental Association – At least three people can establish an association, one of whom must have a permanent or temporary residence or a registered office in Montenegro.
- Non-governmental Foundation – One man or more people can establish a foundation regardless of residence.
According to the law of Montenegro, a non-governmental association is a not-for-profit membership organization which can be established by domestic and foreign natural or legal persons for the purpose of accomplishing individual or common interests, or for the purpose of accomplishing and promoting social interests.
A non-governmental foundation is a not-for-profit organization without members which can be established by a domestic or foreign person, intended to manage certain property for the accomplishment of public benefit goals. A foundation may also be established by a will.
By establishing, a non-governmental organization has the status of a legal entity, and may be established for an indefinite or definite period of time, and the required documentation is founding act and statute which regulates important issues.
The non-governmental organization acquires property from membership fees, voluntary contributions, gifts, donations, legacies, interest on deposits, dividends, rents, income from economic activity.
It is also important to point out that a non-governmental organization may perform the economic business activity, but that the entire realized gain is used for performing its goals for which it has been founded on the territory of the Montenegro.
As Montenegrin Law on Non-Governmental Organizations defines, a foreign non-governmental organization may operate in the Republic of Montenegro after it is entered into the registry book kept by the Ministry of Justice.
For NGO registration a proper application should include:
– NGO Register Application.
– The Founding Act.
– The Record from Founding Assembly.
– NGO Statute.
– Photocopies of the founder’s identity cards (or a certified copy of the passport, if one of the founders is a foreigner) / Founding documentation (Registration Decision and Tax Identification Number) if the founder is a legal entity.
– After receiving the decision from the competent Ministry, it is necessary to make an official seal of your NGO.
– After obtaining the solution and making a seal, it is necessary to register with the Statistical Office of Montenegro – MONSTAT. For registration, it is needed to bring the following: Copy of the Decision on the registration of the NGO; Completed application for classification by activity.
– Opening a bank account. It is necessary to bring the following to the selected bank: Copy of the Decision on the registration of the NGO; Copy of the record on the classification by activity – from the Statistical Office of Montenegro – MONSTAT; Filled and certified OP form (in court or notary); Request for opening an account (the form is taken at the bank); Card of deposited signatures (the form is taken at the bank); The contract on opening and keeping accounts (form is received at the bank); Proof of payment (the form is taken at the bank); If an NGO is registered in the CRPS (eng. Central Register of Business Entities), it is necessary to submit a certificate of registration in the CRPS;
– NGOs must have a Tax Identification Number. When going to the Tax Administration Office, it is necessary to bring: The Decision on registration in the register of NGO; Copy of the record on the classification – from the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT); Bank account (card of deposited signatures) and Filled JPR Form (The first side and Appendix A).