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Education in Montenegro

Education is seen as a key factor in social development of Montenegro. It is important to point out that Montenegro is continuously implementing reforms at all levels of education in order to harmonize with EU legislation.

The education system of Montenegro consists of pre-school education, primary education, general secondary education, vocational education, higher education.




It is important to point out that Montenegro joined the Bologna Process in 2003.

The Bologna Declaration is the foundation of the Bologna process of creating a common European Higher Education Area (European High Education Area), with the aim of increasing the competitiveness and quality of European higher education in relation to other developed countries.

The Bologna Declaration is a joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education, signed in Bologna on September 19, 1999, by which the ministers committed themselves to reforming the higher education system.

When it comes to higher education, a foreigner has the right to enroll in a study program in Montenegro under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and the statute of the institution. Higher education is acquired at the University of Montenegro, which is a state university, but in Montenegro you can find a large number of private universities that offer a large number of opportunities.

The strategic goals for the further development of higher education are:

  1. Improving the quality of higher education and creating competitive staff;
  2. Harmonization of education with the needs of the labor market;
  3. Improvement of scientific research work and increased level of participation in EU projects;
  1. Internationalization of higher education;
  2. Lifelong learning;
  3. Establishing a sustainable financing model.



It is also important to point out that a large number of student organizations are active on the territory of Montenegro, which certainly provides students with a large number of activities and opportunities for training, practice and socializing. Podgorica, as the capital city, can be considered a student center and even the seat of the University of Montenegro is there. However, a significant number of faculties are located in other cities like Niksic, Kotor, etc.

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